Saturday, September 24, 2011

What does the Afro Cuban phrase "bembele" mean?

I'm studying some Lucumi words- this one I don't know for sure- let's see who knows this answer. Again it's "bembele-bembele"
What does the Afro Cuban phrase "bembele" mean?
Lucumi is also knows as Santeria which is practiced pretty much in parts of Africa and places like Haiti, Cuba. This term is heard in the religion or ritual songs. Bembele doesn't really have a meaning it is a word just like for the Spanish is bambolea, it is like letting the rythym guide your body and your soul.
What does the Afro Cuban phrase "bembele" mean?
Hey am sure u are joking
There is no such word
Hey am sure u are joking
There is no such word

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